What Happens If You Are Missing A Tooth?

By: Dr. Sharanya Srinivasa DMD, ParaDentalCare.info, (201) 864-4700
People often ask what happens to your mouth when you are missing a tooth for a long period of time.
The main problem with missing teeth is because you have a missing space, the neighboring teeth will shift into this space. The surrounding teeth basically tip over into the space the missing tooth left behind. Even the tooth above the space will start to move down until it can touch an opposing tooth. On this tooth the root surface will become exposed, and very sensitive to cold.
Another concern is that food starts to build up around the tipped tooth because now there is space on either side of the teeth. This will make the tooth susceptible to cavities and bone loss.
Lastly, now that the teeth have tipped into the missing space which can not only change your bite, but it can also cause changes in your TMJ joint.
Replacing a missing tooth with an implant or a bridge or partial denture is very important. Talk to your dentist today about your options.

All About Root Canals

By: Dr. Sharanya Srinivasa DMD, ParaDentalCare.info, (201) 864-4700

Root canals are a common dental procedure. They are necessary when decay causes pain in the nerve. So how are root canals done?

We start by removing the decay and cleaning out the nerve. Once the nerve is clean, we put in a filling material called gutta percha. Next, we place a post in the filling area. This post helps the core buildup attach to the gutta percha. Finally, we place a crown on top to completely seal it off from the outside. This helps protect the tooth because after a root canal, the tooth becomes brittle.


Caring For Your Braces

By: Dr. Sharanya Srinivasa DMD, ParaDentalCare.info, (201) 864-4700

Braces not only straighten your teeth, but also correct your bite, crooked, crowded or spaced teeth. This helps maintain good oral hygiene. Food cannot easily get stuck between your teeth because they are aligned. However, while wearing braces you must take impeccable care of your teeth.

It is necessary to brush after everything you eat, and to floss 1-2 times per day. You must brush often while wearing braces to prevent getting food buildup around the brackets. This buildup will cause white spots on your teeth. The white spots are demineralized enamel. Colgate Booster Plus is a great toothpaste that your dentist can prescribe if you start getting white spots. If you cannot brush right after a meal, rinse your mouth with water making sure to wash away all food stuck in your teeth or braces. Be sure to perform a detailed cleaning before you sleep at night.

While you have braces on, you will need to avoid eating certain foods. You will mainly need to avoid sticky, hard or chewy food. Some examples: gum, candy, bagels, hard rolls, popcorn, caramels, corn on the cob (you can cut the kernels of the cob and eat them with a fork!), nuts, and ice.

It is important for children who play sports to wear a mouthguard. Custom mouth guards molded to your child’s mouth work best in protecting braces and teeth.

Make sure you make it to your dental appointments, which will be approximately every 4 to 8 weeks. However, be sure to call your dentist if you need immediate care.